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Always a big one. Like all things in life you will get out of these experience as much as you are ready to invest, and that will be perfect. Let's face it expectations are a buzz kill at the best of times. There is no magic cure for the human condition only endless ways to experience it. We can plant some seeds, see what takes and always remember that things grow best when there’s plenty of 'manure' in the soil. Your lifes experiences are that 'manure'. I'm curious about what we might grow together. 

Art Therapy Services

Creating art can be a soothing mindful experince

Let’s go on a creative adventure. Our time together will be focused on process rather the product.


The mission, should you choose to accept it, is to let go of expectations, never easy, and luxuriate in the delicious process of creating. 

Allowing ourselves to sit in the discomfort can be a freeing experience

Art can be utilised as an effective tool in a therapeutic setting.


It has the capacity to access areas of our brain that are often offline in

our day to day lives.

Creating art together creates connection

Journey together over six weeks in a safe and supported setting. Groups will be capped at six participants.


The intention of this program is to create a community that can continue to grow and create together once the program is completed.


Complimentary 14 minute consult 

Stepping into any relationship can be hugely challenging. I would like to start by extending an invitation to you. Let's test the water, get a feel for how we might work together and decide if there is potential for us to form a productive team.

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verb: walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace.

"they ambled along the riverbank"

A companioned amble to observe, collect and connect.  How it will work; we will scheduled a call,  face time, voice or a combination of both. Together we will wander in our yard, local parks or at the beach, where ever you are comfortable and at ease, we will take the time to notice what is around us engaging all our sense.


We will collect items that catch our attention and integrate them into an artwork.

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verb: work jointly on an activity or project "they collaborated with each other to create beauty"

Together we will create a 2D, A4 artwork exploring an agreed theme. When your artwork is complete I will invite you to cut it up into four pieces and place it in an envelope.  There will be four participant, each one will then post their cut up artwork to me and I will post back four pieces, a piece from each artist. 


Using the pieces you receive you are invited to create a collaborative art artwork. â€‹â€‹

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